Thursday, April 23, 2015

My buddy from Room 6 & 7

Today I went to my buddy class in room 6 & 7.
His name is Thomas but he likes to be called the flash.  He's a boy and he's got blond hair,  the story I read to him was the Tricky tortoise.  Then I grabbed the information test and I wrote down his name and how old he was.  His favorite activity is playing on the iPad.  

This is a photo of my buddy and I.

Sharks - Week 1

Sharks have been around for many years, they have lived through the ice age and when dinosaur were alive.

They were alive before people were alive.

Sharks are meat eaters so they will like to eat fish seals and probable even sharks, also humans
  Great White Sharks live in the Pacific ocean or by islands and countries.

The meglagon also has the name of big tooth.  He has two names.  He is the biggest shark in all existance.  He is 30ft and his jaws are as big as a hotel, if you got eaten by it, it would chop you in half in one bite.  Go to the fin free page to stop people finning sharks for shark fin soup.  Go check the fin free website.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

My Swimming Reflection

I learned how to…get a life jacket on with heavy clothes.   

Something I found challenging was…getting a life jacket on underwater.

At the end of the year I would like to improve on…breaststroke. I like the breaststroke kick because I think it is fun doing the circle with my legs.  

Mrs Miller, Mr Kenny or Mrs Lowe could help me by…

The best part about swimming was…the relay.